Electronic devices and circuits
Gupta, J. B.
Electronic devices and circuits - 3rd ed. 6th ed. - Delhi. : S.K. Kataria & Sons 2010 - 914 p. PAPER BACK 27cm
Electronic & Communication
1. Introduction
2.Electron dynamics
3. Electron emission
4. Semiconductor physices
5. Theory of P.N junction diodes and transistors
6.Zeners and other two-terminal devices
7. Rectifiers
8. Bipolar junction transistors
Electronic, devices, circuits.
9788185749754 9789350143148
Electronic, communication.
621.3815 / GUP
Electronic devices and circuits - 3rd ed. 6th ed. - Delhi. : S.K. Kataria & Sons 2010 - 914 p. PAPER BACK 27cm
Electronic & Communication
1. Introduction
2.Electron dynamics
3. Electron emission
4. Semiconductor physices
5. Theory of P.N junction diodes and transistors
6.Zeners and other two-terminal devices
7. Rectifiers
8. Bipolar junction transistors
Electronic, devices, circuits.
9788185749754 9789350143148
Electronic, communication.
621.3815 / GUP