Introduction to Graph Theory
West, Douglas B.
Introduction to Graph Theory - 2nd ed. - New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, 2007, Uttar Pradesh. : Pearson , 2015. - xix;588p. PAPER BACK 24cmm. xix , 588p. ; PAPER BACK 23cm.
Graph theory, graph
9788120321477 9789332549654
511.5 / WES
Introduction to Graph Theory - 2nd ed. - New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, 2007, Uttar Pradesh. : Pearson , 2015. - xix;588p. PAPER BACK 24cmm. xix , 588p. ; PAPER BACK 23cm.
Graph theory, graph
9788120321477 9789332549654
511.5 / WES