Mathematical analysis

Malik, S.C.

Mathematical analysis - 4th ed. 5th Multi Color ed. - New Delhi: New Age International, 2011, 2018. - xii, 870p.; PAPER BACK 24 cm. xiv, 870p.; PAPER BACK 24 cm.


1.Real numbers
2.Open sets, closed sets and countable sets
3.Real sequences
4.Infinite series
5.Functions of a single variable I
6.Functions of a single variable II
7.Applications of taylors theorem
8. Functions
9.The riemann integral
10.The riemann-stieltjes integral
11.Improper integrals
12.Uniform convergence
13.Power series
14.Fourier series
15.Functions of several variables
16.Implicit functions
17.Integration on R2
18.Integration R3
19.Metric spaces
20.The Lebesgue integral

Mathematics analysis,

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