Mastering C++

Venugopal, K. R.

Mastering C++ Author's - 1st ed. - New Delhi. : Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 2007 - xx ; 804 p. PAPER BACK 24cm

Computer Science

1. Object-oriented paradigm
2. Moving from C to C++
3. C++ at at glance
4. Data types, operators and expressions
5. Control flow
6. Arrays and strings
7. Modular programming with functions
8. Structures and unions
9. Pointers and runtime binding
10. Classes and objects
11. object initialization and cleanup
12. Dynamic objects
13. Operator overloading
14. Inheritance
15. Virtual functions
16. Generic programming with templates
17. Streams computation with console
18. Streams computation with files
19. Exception handling
20. OO analysis, design and development

Appendices A-F

Mastering C++, C++.


Computer Science, C++.

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