Signals and Systems

Sharma, Sanjay

Signals and Systems With MATLAB Programs Author - 6th ed. - New Delhi. : S. K. Kataria & Sons, 2009 - 846 p. PAPER BACK 23cm

Electronic & Communication

1. Introduction To Signals And Systems
2. Linear Time Invariant (LTI) Systems
3. Fourier Analysis Of Continuous Time Signals
4. The Discrete Time fourier Transform(DTFT)
5. Time And Frequency Characterization Of Signals And Systems
6. Probability, Random Signals And Random Process
7. Sampling
8. The Laplace Transform
9. The Z-Transform
10. Discrete Fourier Transform And Fast Fourier Transform
11. Niose
12.Transmission Of Signals In Discrete Time Systems
13. Match Filter(Optimum Filter)

Signals, Matlab Programs, system.


Electronic, communication.

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