Optimization Techniques.

Mohan, C.

Optimization Techniques. Author's. - 1st ed. - New Delhi. : New Age International, 2009, - xiv ; 611 p. PAPER BACK 23cm

Mechanical Engineering

1. Introduction
2. Classical optimization techniques
3. Linear programming
4. Duality theory and post optimality analysis
5. Transportation problem and its variants
6. Network models
7. Sequencing and scheduling problems
8. Nonlinear programming: Kuhn-Tucker theory
9. Special Classes of nonlinear optimization problems
10. Solution of unconstrained nonlinear optimization problems
11. Solution of constrained nonlinear optimization problems
12. Integer programming
13. Dynamic programming
14. Decision theory
15. Theory of games
16. Multiobjective and goal programming
17. Heuristics based optimization techniques
Appendix I-III

Optimization, techniques.


Applied Mechanics.

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