Laboratory manual for soil testing

Maharaj, D.K.

Laboratory manual for soil testing - New delhi. : S.K.Kataria & sons 2017 - 100p. PAPER BACK 26 cm

Civil Engineering

1. Water content determination
2. Specific gravity
3. Sieve analysis
4. Grain size analysis by hydrometer method
5. In situ density
6. Liquid limit and plastic limit
7. Shrinkage factors of soil
8. Relative density of soil
9. Compaction test
10. Consolidation test
11. Permeability test
12. Determination of total soluble sulphates of soil
13. Determination of total soluble solids
14. Determination of organic matter in soil
15. Determination of pH value of soils electrometric method
16. Differential free swell index of clayey soils
17. Laboratory california bearing ratio (CBR) test
18. Direct shear test
19. Unconfined compression test
Laboratory vane shear test
21. Triaxial test
22. Dynamic (Cyclic) triaxial test
23. In situ vane shear test for soils
24. Standard penetration test (SPT)
25. Static cone penetration test (SCPT)
26. Dynamic cone penetration test (DCPT)
27. Pressuremeter test
28. Plate load test
29. Cyclic plate load test
30. Electrical resistivity method
31. Block resonance test
32. Seismic hole test
33. Static pile load test
34. Non-destructive integrity test of piles (NDT)

Appendix I-IV

Laboratory, manual, soil, testing.



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