Wildlife biology :

Saha, Goutam Kumar

Wildlife biology : an Indian perspective - 1st ed. - New Delhi. : PHI Learning, 2017 - xiii , 313p. : ill. ; PAPER BACK 28cm.


Contents 1. Indian wildlife-Their importance and conservation status 2. Wildlife habitat ecology 3. Protected area concept 4. Bio-ecology of some important Indian wild animals 5. Behavioural ecology of wild animals 6. Wildlife tools, techniques and practices 7. Capture, handling and rescue operations of wild animals and their management 8. Captive breeding of wild animals 9. Special management programme of wild animals in India 10. Man and wildlife 11. Wildlife health: Diseases of wild animals and their management 12. Wildlife trade: Assessment, documentation, preventive measures 13. Wildlife legislation: Administrative measures and laws

Wildlife biology : an Indian perspective


Wildlife conservation Wildlife management Animal ecology

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