Encyclopaedia of Forensic Entomology

Faina, D

Encyclopaedia of Forensic Entomology - 1st ed. - Jaipur. : Oxford Book Company, 2020 - vii; 271p. HARD BOUND 24 cm. vii; 243p. HARD BOUND 24 cm. - Vol 1-2 .


v1: Introduction to Forensic Entomology, Changes and stages of Decomposition of a Body, Role of Insect in Forensic Investigations, Insect-Identification Key, Insect-General Morphology and Physiology, Ecology of Forensically Important Insects.
v2: General Morphology of Entomology, Outline of Entomology, Decomposition of Forensic Entomological Science, Biology of Entomology, Forensic Entomological Decomposition, Use of DNA in Forensic Entomology.

Encyclopaedia of Forensic Entomology


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