Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic : Theory and Applications

Klir, George J.

Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic : Theory and Applications - 1st ed. - Tamil Nadu. : Pearson Education , 2022. - xv , 574p. ; Paper Back


From classical (crisp) sets to fuzzy sets: a grand paradign shift
Fuzzy sets versus crisp sets
Operations on fuzzy sets
Fuzzy arithmetic
Fuzzy relations
Fuzzy relation equations
Possibility theory
Fuzzy logic
Uncertainty-based information
Constructing fuzzy sets and operations on fuzzy sets
Approximate reasoning
Fuzzy systems
Pattern recognition
Fuzzy databases and information retrieval systems
Fuzzy decision making
Engineering applications
Miscellaneous applications. Appendixes. Neural networks: an overview
Genetic algorithms: an overview
Rough sets versus fuzzy sets
Proofs of some mathematical theorems
Glossary of key concepts
Glossary of symbols


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