C++ Primer
- 3rd Ed
- New York: Addison Wesley: 1998
- xxii; 1237p. PAPER BACK 23 x 17 cm
Computer Science
CONTENTS: Preface Part 1: C++, an overview 1. Getting started 2. A tour of C++
Part 2: The basic language 3. The C++ data types 4. Expressions 5. Statements 6. Abstract container types
Part 3: Procedural-based programming 7. Functions 8. Scope and lifetime 9. Overloaded functions 10. Function templates 11. Exception handling 12. The generic algorithms
Part 4 - Object-based programming 13. Classes 14. Class initialization, assignment and destruction 15. Overloaded operators and user-defined conversions 16. Class templates
Part 5 - Object-oriented programming 17. Class inheritance and subtyping 18. Multiple and virtual inheritance 19. Uses of inheritance in C++ 20. The iostream library