Modern microeconomics: :theory and applications
- 19th ed.
- New Delhi: S Chand, 2017.
- xvi; 957p. PAPER BACK 24 cm.
Contents: 1.The economic problem 2.Production possibility curve,choice and opportunity cost 3.The scope of economics 4.The science of economics and its methodology 5.Basic competitive model and the role of price mechanism 6.Alternative economic system and market-friendly new economic reforms 7.Demand, supply and market equilibrium 8.Comsumer's behaviour: Cardinal utility analysis 9.Indifference curve analysis of consumer's demand 10.Cardinal utility analysis vs Indifference curve analysis 11.Some important applications of indifference curve 11A.Labour supply and saving decisions 12.Revealed preference theory of demand 13.Elasticity of demand 14.Consumer surplus 15.Factors of production 16.The theory of production: Returns to a factor 17.Production function with two variable factors 18.Optimum factor combination 19.Cost of production and cost ciurves 20.Elasticity of supply 21.Main market form and concepts of revenue 22.Objectives of the firm and its equilibrium-A general analysis 23.Equilibrium of the firm and industry under perfect competition 24.Price determination under perfect competition 25.Stability of e equilibrium and cobweb model 26.Price and output under monopoly 26A.Government policies towards monopoly and competition 27.Price discrimination 28.Price and output under monopolistic competition 29.Price and output under Oligopoly 30.Sales maximisation model of oligopoly 31.Theory of games and competitive strategy 32.The theory of distribution:A general view 33.Wage determination in competitive and imperfectly competitive markets 34.The theory of rent 35.Alternative theories of interest 36.The theory of profits 37.General equilibrium analysis 38.Welfare economics:An introduction 39.Economic efficiency and pareto optimality 40.Market failures, externalities and public goods 41.New welfare economics: Compensation principle 42.Social welfare function 43.Market with asymmetric in formation 44.Choice under risk and uncertainty